TCR Complexes

TCRs recognize peptide antigens presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins in a myriad of ways, leading to a vast range of binding geometries, contacts, specifities, and functional implications. Numerous sets of analyses and data on known complex structures and their interaction patterns can be found in the pages below, along with structural viewing options.

Class I Complexes

The set of TCR complexes with Class I MHCs and peptides, with links to view structures.

Class II Complexes

The set of TCR complexes with Class II MHCs and peptides, with links to view structures.

TCR-CD1 complexes

The set of TCR complexes with CD1 and antigens, with links to view structures.

TCR-MR1 complexes

The set of TCR complexes with MR1 and antigens, with links to view structures.

Gamma-Delta complexes

The set of gamma-delta TCR complexes with MHC/CD1/MR1 and antigens, with links to view structures.

TCR-mimetic Antibodies

The set of TCR-mimetic antibodies + the set of TCR-mimetic antibodies with MHCs and peptides.

Docking and Interfaces

Interactive graphical representations of all observed docking geometries and key interface characteristics.

Unbound-Bound Structures

Unbound TCR and peptide-MHC structures paired with complex structures, with calculated binding conformational changes.